Scientific researches
Researches – those studies that the Center conducts itself and / or participates in. Under each of the current studies are several, in our opinion, the most interesting recent events in which representatives of the Center participated.
"Electoral processes in Europe and Russia" - the project has grown into a larger and currently explores the electoral processes of the world.
The project "Electoral processes in Europe and Russia" was implemented in the framework of the European Union ERASMUS+ program "New Europe in a new world order" and is timed to the Russian presidential elections of 2018. As a result, the book was released, which was a continuation of the series of books already published in the framework of the project "Europe before the challenges of the early XXI century" (2017), "Europe in the new world reality" (2016). The project incorporates the views of leading Russian and foreign political scientists on electoral processes in Russia and Europe, including the analysis of new electoral practices.
- Congress of political scientists RAPN "Features of modern electoral technologies in Europe on the example of the presidential elections in France 2017". December 7, 2018, the Financial University.
“Investment migration in the EU" - Extended meeting of the Commission on migration issues and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens of the presidential Council on interethnic relations on "Experience and problems of human rights activities in the field of migration", June 18, 2019, Moscow house of nationalities.
- Round table "Investment migration: concepts and prospects", 23-24 May, 2019, the Financial University; report "Current issues of investment migration in the EU: market review", the Financial University.
"Energy in the modern world" - the aim of the project was to reveal the main subjects of modern energy policy, issues of strategic and regulatory decisions against the background of the main current trends in the global energy sector. The main attention was paid to such topics as energy policy of Russia on the world energy markets, especially the relations of Russia and Europe in the energy sector, the specifics of competition in the global oil and gas markets, energy policy on the background of military-political confrontation in the world, fuel and energy complex of the countries of Central and Eastern Asia, energy policy of the EEU, the energy diplomacy in the modern world. There are the analysis and perspectives of alternative energy (renewable and non-renewable energy resources), etc.
- Round table at RIAC "Sanctions and world energy", June 5, 2019. (in English, with foreign experts), Bolshaya Yakimanka str., 1.
- Round table at RAS "Statistical review of world energy-BP. Spencer Dale. Chief economist of BP Group" (in English) June 2019.
- International forum "Russian energy week - 2018", Central exhibition hall “Manege"
"Financial literacy: European and Russian experience". The project is based on the previously implemented project "Institutionalization of financial literacy of the Russian population" in 2019.
- V Russian Congress of volunteers of financial education, Odintsovo, the Corporate University of the Bank of Russia, 10-11 June 2019. - IV Russian Congress of volunteers financial education, Odintsovo, the Corporate University of the Bank of Russia, 10-11 June 2019.
Gender issues - within the framework of this project there was a study on women's participation in boards of Directors "Gender changes in boards of Directors in foreign and Russian practice", conducted in 2018; the study "Gender approach to career success of women in education" in 2019.
- Russian Gender Forum "Gender resources and gender order in the XXI century" "For constructive gender rights and humane gender order", 30-31 May 2019, the Financial University.
- Gender: cases of a businesswoman, July 4, 2019, Poklonnaya str., 3\E4
"Europe facing the challenges of the XXI century" - the project was implemented in 2017 in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Module "New Europe in a new world order". The project incorporates the author's points of view and approaches of Russian and foreign scientists and experts on topical issues for Europe, including regional issues, energy and economic policy, socio-cultural and political problems.